Be Well Natural Medicine

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Brain Health, Mood and The Gut Brain Axis: Is Leaky Brain the New Leaky Gut?

"Leaky brain" is a brain health issue that often goes undetected and can underlie stress, anxiety, depression, neurological disorders, brain degeneration and autoimmunity.

Caused by various lifestyle factors -- infections, stress, trauma, poor diet, environmental toxins -- leaky brain is treatable and preventable! Given that "leaky brain" is not as common a term in our health culture as "leaky gut" has become, I invite you to learn more about this concern, as it may be contributing to your health challenges.

Especially if you want to decrease stress and anxiety, and optimize your brain health.

Learn more about leaky brain, and how to evaluate the health of your brain when you attend this online event!

Often, symptoms of these issues are automatically prescribed pharmaceutical drugs -- WITHOUT the identification or treatment of underlying causes.

However, there are data-driven answers and actionable solutions for brain regeneration and neurological health!

Our bodies are amazing and complex chemical machines and are biologically designed to restore and heal themselves. But when they are burdened with chemical toxins, unhealthy food or unknown infections, our bodies and brains can become ill -- without intervention, those illnesses can develop into chronic health problems.

Everyday exposure to environmental interferences can result in defective cell function which can lead to:

  • Dementia

  • Alzheimer’s

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • And, sadly, more…

But there is hope! Removing and minimizing these environmental interferences can get your body and brain "engines" working again WITHOUT dangerous prescription medication.

This 33-page eBook takes you through 13 simple steps to remove and minimize environmental interference so your body can heal and function as it was biologically designed to do. 

When you download this ebook, you’ll also reserve a seat for the free, online Leaky Brain Summit taking place on June 29 – July 5, 2020-- over 30 experts teaching you more about evidence-based programs and protocols to understand, identify and address the root causes and symptoms of leaky brain, and the neurochemical and neurodegenerative conditions associated with it!

Do you know someone struggling with anxiety or depression?

Did you know that an unprecedented one in four people around the world currently suffer from mental health disorders and neurodegenerative disease? 

That's over 450 million people worldwide!

Especially among our youth, mental health conditions like anxiety and depression are rampant. 

The problem with conventional treatment lies in the root causes of these conditions not getting addressed; because of this, underlying problems only get worse. One of a handful of underlying causes of anxiety and depression is leaky gut, an inflammatory condition connected to leaky brain.  

The current model of mental healthcare is the ONLY model that derives a diagnosis based on symptoms rather than real data, such as labs or imaging, which leads to the use of potent drugs that mask symptoms, but are difficult to stop using and can cause other, sometimes more serious, issues. 

While these drugs are often a necessary and useful tool, these medications are not without their consequences.

This may seem scary, but there is hope! There are safer and, many times, more effective solutions for cognitive and emotional well-being. When underlying causes such as leaky gut/leaky brain are addressed and eliminated, the results can be life-changing, even life-saving. 

Many people have been able to reverse their anxiety and depression with the tools that you will learn about in the Leaky Brain Summit.

Why Attend the Leaky Brain Summit?

The hosts of this summit, Dr. Elena Villanueva and Dr. Ryan Wohlfert, have committed the last 12 months of their lives to searching the globe and interviewing the most qualified experts in leaky brain to give you the most cutting-edge information on this potentially harmful condition. They're here to show you evidence-based programs and protocols to understand, identify and address the root causes and symptoms of leaky brain, and the neurochemical and neurodegenerative conditions associated with it.

The Leaky Brain Summit will help you:
● Identify symptoms of leaky brain
● Understand the gut-brain axis and the gut-brain-immune connection
● Reduce inflammation to help heal leaky brain
● Overcome pain, trauma and stress
● Detox and regenerate your brain
● Master your mindset to optimize brain health
● Know which foods to choose or avoid
● Help children avoid mental health disorders
● And more! You're not broken.

There are answers. We can heal together.

I'll see you online at The Leaky Brain Summit when you register today!

Straight from the Summit

Over the course of recording the interviews for The Leaky Brain Summit, Drs. Elena Villanueva and Ryan Wohlfert uncovered a number of incredible health tips and tactics from more than 30 experts -- researchers, practitioners and doctors -- on the front lines of improved health and happiness.

These full-length interview transcripts are chock full of those pearls of health wisdom.

Here are quotes from Dr. Elena Villanueva, Dr. Christine Scaffner and Dr. Greg Eckel:

Dr. Elena Villanueva (w/Dr. Ryan Wohlfert)
"We give our kids Cheerios, right? I gave my kid Cheerios as one of his first foods. I had no idea that it is one of the foods that is highest in the concentration of glyphosate out there. So we really want to be careful what we're putting into our mouths because our bodies don't just pee this stuff out. It just sits there, and it accumulates and accumulates and accumulates, and it leads to issues like brain disorders, cancers, cellular damage, inflammation."

Dr. Christine Schaffner
"When we sleep, our pineal gland produces melatonin. And melatonin is not only helpful for us for our circadian rhythm and having a deep sleep, but also melatonin in and of itself is actually a potent neuroprotective antioxidant that actually helps to remove all of these things — viruses, pathogens, heavy metals, waste products — from the brain. It's a powerful substance and antioxidant."

Dr. Greg Eckel
"Ask your neurologist. Do they have a plan for your nutrition? Food is our best medicine. It is the information coming in for our bodies to heal themselves. So we need to really address diet and nutrition to get complete care. The second question is, is your neurologist recommending any exercises? Exercise increases your circulation, gets blood flow flowing. What travels in the blood? The healing properties of your body."

As you can see, these transcripts are full of worthwhile perspectives and protocols of the health trade, so I hope you’ll take a moment to download them today.

Gain IMMEDIATE ACCESS to these transcripts!

P.S. When you register for The Leaky Brain Summit, you'll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!

Be Well Natural Medicine

Be Well Natural Medicine is a boutique natural medicine clinic for women serving the Twin Cities since 2009. To learn more about the doctors and services offered at Be Well here.